REAP 2.0 Local Suballocation Grant Program

Call for Projects! – REAP 2.0 Local Suballocation Grant Program (LSGP)

The Kings County Association of Governments (KCAG) announces the REAP 2.0 Local Suballocation Grant Program (LSGP) Call for Projects which focuses on supporting projects that meet the three objectives: 1) accelerate infill development to facilitate housing development; 2) Affirmative Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH); and, 3) reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled. The LSGP is a non-competitive Call for Projects, with an estimated budget of $1,733,320 through REAP 2.0 resources.


The call for applications is open from August 26, 2024 to October 25, 2024.  Details about project types and program goals can be found in the  Program Guidelines.

LSGP Guidelines and Application

Applications for the REAP 2.0 LSGP will close on Friday, October 25, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. PST. Please use the Program Guidelines for information about the program. When you are ready, please submit an application, by emailing it to Terri King at terri.king@co.kings.ca.us. For applications click here.

Jurisdiction Suballocation Target
Avenal $172,728
Corcoran $234,317
Hanford $703,256
Lemoore $360,969
County $262,050
Total $1,733,320


Application Workshop and Staff Office Hours 

KCAG hosted an informational workshop for the REAP 2.0 LSGP call for applications on September 18, 2024. The workshop featured information to help potential applicants learn how to prepare an application. 

The workshop was recorded. The link to the workshop recording can be accessed here.

Passcode to access workshop recording: ^t8PiaRS

In addition to the application workshop, KCAG is offering office hours for applicants to ask questions and/or receive feedback on project ideas. Please e-mail Terri King at terri.king@co.kings.ca.us or Julio.Gonzalez@co.kings.ca.us to book an appointment.


The following timeline outlines key dates for the REAP 2.0 LSGP call for applications. The schedule is subject to change, so please visit this page for the latest updates.

August 26, 2024: Release of Call for Projects
September 18, 2024: Application Workshop at 3pm via Zoom
October 25, 2024: Final application and list of prioritized projects from eligible applicants due to KCAG
November 2024: Grant applications are reviewed and scored
December 11, 2024: KCAG approves applications and awards REAP 2.0 funds
January 2025: Execute grant agreements with awardees
March 30, 2026: All REAP 2.0 projects and activities must be completed; final activity reports due to KCAG; final invoices due to KCAG


Resource Links


Official Website of KCAG