REAP 2.0

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) in collaboration with the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, the Strategic Growth Council, and the California Air Resources Board established the Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) 2.0 program.  The purpose of REAP 2.0 is supporting transformative planning and implementation activities such as accelerating infill and affordable housing development; reducing vehicle miles traveled; and increasing transit ridership, walking, and biking as primary modes of transportation.


KCAG REAP 2.0 Local Suballocation Grant Program


The Kings County Association of Governments (KCAG) announces the REAP 2.0 Local Suballocation Grant Program (LSGP) Call for Projects. Click here for more information.




Regional Early Action Planning (REAP)

KCAG was awarded $1,939,379 in REAP 2.0 for eligible activities.  KCAG submitted an Advance Application for $206,059 to fund administration of grant funds, development of the REAP 2.0 program, public education and stakeholder outreach, and preparation of the Full Application for the remainder of the funds.

KCAG submitted a Full Application for the remaining $1,733,320.  The proposed use of the funds will be sub-allocated to local agencies to use for eligible activities. Please see bellow for information on the REAP program development process.

Full Application (Submitted December 23, 2022)

Full Application Pages


Background on REAP 1.0 and REAP 2.0

The Regional Early Action Planning Grant Program (REAP 1.0) was established in 2019 after the adopted FY 2019-20 California Budget (AB 74) and the housing trailer bill (AB 101) passed. This grant program was established for the purpose of providing regions and jurisdictions with one-time funding, focusing on grants for planning activities, to enable jurisdictions to meet the 6th Cycle of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA). The program is administered by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). This program includes local jurisdictional funds and regional funds.

Later, the adopted FY 2021-22 California Budget (AB 140, July 2021) established a follow-up program, REAP 2021 (also known as REAP 2.0). REAP 2.0 seeks to accelerate infill housing development, reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), increase housing supply at all affordability levels, affirmatively further fair housing, and facilitate the implementation of adopted regional and local plans to achieve these goals. REAP 2.0 is administered by HCD in collaboration with the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR), the Strategic Growth Council (SGC), and the California Air Resources Board (CARB).

Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) 2.0 Grants

REAP 2021 (REAP 2.0) was established through AB 140 (July 2021) as part of the mid-year budget revise for the State’s FY 21-22 budget. Approximately $600 million is available statewide to support transformative and innovative projects that implement a region’s Sustainable Communities Strategy and help achieve goals of more housing and transportation options that reduce reliance on cars. The State will allocate approximately $1,939,379 million to KCAG. KCAG submitted an Advance Application for $206,059 to fund administration of grant funds, development of the REAP 2.0 program, public education and stakeholder outreach, and preparation of the Full Application for the remainder of the funds.

KCAG used the advance funding to deploy an outreach and engagement strategy and develop programs to disperse these funds throughout the region in support of transformative planning that promotes the core program objectives of REAP 2.0: 

1)     infill housing development, especially as it facilitates housing element compliance and progress for the 6th cycle of the RHNA;

2)     reduction of Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT), especially as it relates to implementation of KCAG’s Sustainable Communities Strategy; and,

3)     Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH)

The REAP 2.0 funds have a broader set of objectives and can be spent on both planning and capital projects.

REAP 2.0 Guidelines from the Housing and Community Development (HCD) Department

The REAP 2.0 Final Program Guidelines and Notice of Funding Availability were released on July 27, 2022, by HCD.

KCAG’s REAP 2.0 Program Development Process and Stakeholder Outreach

KCAG developed the REAP 2.0 program framework and submitted the full funding application on December 23, 2022, which was driven by the State’s program guidelines.

KCAG’s Full Application Form

KCAG’s Text of Full Application

KCAG conducted outreach to a broad array of stakeholders in the area to identify programs and partners as well as received input to develop the full REAP 2.0 application for agencies and organizations.

Community Survey

Agencies and stakeholders were encouraged to complete a community survey to provide input on potential priorities for the REAP 2.0 Program.

English Community Survey

Spanish Community Survey

REAP 2.0 In-Person and Virtual Workshops

KCAG hosted one in-person and two virtual workshops (via Zoom) to share a REAP 2.0 program overview to its stakeholders. Attendees learned about the program development and provided input on the program. See below for workshop materials.


Date Presentation Voice Code
May 17, 2023 PowerPoint Slide Recording BLp6#yG+
May 11, 2023 PowerPoint Slide Recording Q4$Raxmv
May 3, 2023 PowerPoint Slide    


Official Website of KCAG