Please note that this is a replica of the original JLUS website that was located at www.lemoorejlus.com. Final reports and meeting materials have been transferred over to this site and will continue to be maintained and archived by the Kings County Association of Governments. 

Welcome to the official web site of the Lemoore Naval Air Station Joint Land Use Study (JLUS), a cooperative effort of Fresno County, Kings County, the City of Lemoore, and NAS-Lemoore.  The overall goals of the JLUS are to identify land use issues that may impact the operational utility of NAS Lemoore; identify actions the participating agencies can pursue to ensure that incompatible development does not impact the operational utility of NAS Lemoore; and create an action plan to guide future planning that all involved parties will benefit from.  The JLUS process is being conducted with the support of the Kings County Association of Governments.  For additional information regarding the JLUS background, please refer to the NAS Lemoore JLUS Grant Narrative.

The NAS Lemoore JLUS Draft Final Report (7/19/11) was revised based on comments received on the Draft Report made available on March 22, 2011. A summary matrix of the public comments through June 24, 2011 was prepared and presented to the JLUS Policy Committee. At the June 24, 2011 JLUS Policy Committee meeting, direction was given to revise the draft document and hold an additional 30-day public review and comment period.

The second public review and comment period began on July 19, 2011 and concluded at the final JLUS Policy Committee meeting on August 19, 2011 at 10 a.m. The meeting was held in the Kings County Board of Supervisors' Chambers located at 1400 W. Lacey Boulevard in Hanford. The meeting agenda and supporting materials are available on the JLUS Meetings page.

Click here to see the JLUS Final Report on the documents page.
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