Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA)
KCAG works with the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and our member agencies in the preparation of a regional housing needs determination. According to state law, KCAG must allocate the specific numbers of housing units to our member agencies while considering a number of factors, including income levels, demand for housing, employment opportunities and availability of suitable development sites. As part of this process, KCAG works closely with our member agencies to determine the housing needs of each jurisdiction as detailed in the development of a Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) Plan. The RHNA Plan provides the allocation of housing units, in which each jurisdiction must plan for in their respective General Plan Housing Element updates.
6th Cycle RHNA Plan
5th Cycle RHNA Plan
Regional Early Action Planning (REAP)
REAP 1.0
The Local Government Planning Support Grants Program (AB 101) was established for the purpose of providing regions and jurisdictions with one-time grant funding for planning activities to enable jurisdictions to meet the 6th cycle of the regional housing needs assessment, and to spur affordable housing production. A total of $18,975,323 in Regional Early Action Planning Program (REAP) 1.0 grant funds is available to the eight San Joaquin Valley Regional Planning Agencies.
REAP 2.0
The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) in collaboration with the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, the Strategic Growth Council, and the California Air Resources Board established the Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) 2.0 program. The purpose of REAP 2.0 is supporting transformative planning and implementation activities such as accelerating infill and affordable housing development; reducing vehicle miles traveled; and increasing transit ridership, walking, and biking as primary modes of transportation.