Bike / Active Transportation

Active transportation encourages the increased use of human-powered modes of transportation such a biking and walking. There are many benefits of active transportation including public health benefits, improved air quality, financial savings in fuel/automobile costs, and reduction in vehicle miles traveled.
The California Active Transportation Program was created by Senate Bill 99 (Chapter 359, Statutes of 2013) and Assembly Bill 101 (Chapter 354, Statutes of 2013) to encourage the increased use of active modes of transportation- biking and walking.  The ATP consolidates various transportation programs include the federal Transportation Alternatives Program, the Bicycle Transportation Account, and federal and state Safe Routes to School programs into a single program. The California Transportation Commission adopts ATP guidelines and releases a call for projects for a statewide competitive program. Specific information on this state competitive program can be found here: https://catc.ca.gov/programs/active-transportation-program
Official Website of KCAG