6th Cycle RHNA PlanCalifornia Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) Determination Kings County RHNA Advisory Committee Meetings
Methodology Public Notice of Appeals Period (October 27, 2022) Approved Final Methodology Resolution (October 26, 2022) Public Hearing Notice (October 26, 2022) Adopted Final Methodology-6th Cycle RHNA (October 26, 2022) HCD Review of Draft RHNA Methodology (September 21, 2022) Draft Methodology-6th Cycle RHNA (July 27, 2022) Public Hearing Notice (July 27, 2022)
RHNA Plan Adopted KCAG 6th RHNA Plan (January 25, 2023) HCD Approval Letter (February 23, 2023)