2025 Regional Active Transportation PlanBackground The Kings County Association of Governments (KCAG) has demonstrated countywide leadership in active transportation by providing funding and logistical support to its member agencies. KCAG is in the process of updating the Regional Active Transportation Plan (RATP) to increase active transportation travel and improve safety for vulnerable users traveling for commute, utilitarian, and recreational needs. The update to the RATP will provide an overarching document that leverages adopted local agency bicycle plans, pedestrian plans, and Safe Routes to School (SRTS) plans. The 2025 RATP will identify areas for improvement to the transportation network to access key destinations and land uses such as schools, workplaces, homes, shopping centers, medical and healthcare services, and civic uses. The 2025 RATP will encompass urbanized areas such as downtown areas, as well as rural areas between cities and designated community areas. Preparation for the Plan will focus on the following areas:
The 2025 RATP will promote public health, benefit disadvantaged communities, and guide the region with a Complete Streets policy for development. The Plan will consider vulnerable users of the transportation system and will prioritize access for disadvantaged community members to schools, parks, transit facilities, and other destinations identified through coordination with stakeholders. KCAG will utilize public engagement and agency collaboration to prioritize specific needs and develop feasible solutions that can be implemented to improve mobility options and safety for County residents. Public Engagement Get involved! Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities to provide your input to the development of the 2025 Regional Active Transportation Plan.
Project Fact Sheet Please click here for English or here for Spanish Contact Information Questions? Please email us at RegionalATP2025@co.kings.ca.us