2019 Regional Active Transportation Plan

Kings County Regional Active Transportation Plan (RATP)

KCAG has played an important role in promoting active transportation in the county by providing funding and logistical support to its member agencies.  To make walking and biking safer and easier, KCAG has developed the Regional Active Transportation Plan (RATP), also known as Kings County Walk and Bike Plan.  The RATP analyzed existing issues and conditions related to walking and biking, identified the high-priority projects and provided funding information and implementation strategies to equip the jurisdictions in Kings County to better compete for federal, state and regional grant funds.

The development of the RATP was initiated in May 2016, with a Project Advisory Committee established to provide guidance throughout the process.  A comprehensive public outreach program was conducted that included setting up a webpage in both English and Spanish version, providing an online interactive mapping tool, collaborating with school districts for surveys, hosting public workshops in conjunction with the Regional Transportation Plan/ Sustainable Communities Strategy efforts and presenting project progress to the City Councils and County Board of Supervisors.

In compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), an Initial Study was prepared for the purpose of determining whether the project might have a significant effect on the environment.  On the basis of the Initial Study, it was determined that the RATP will not have a significant effect on the environment and, therefore, KCAG has prepared a Negative Declaration for the RATP.

The Final RATP, along with its associated environmental documents, was adopted on March 27, 2019. 

You may also visit project webpage at bit.ly/KingsWalknBike (English) or bit.ly/KingsPieyBici (Spanish)

Available Reports


Project Advisory Committee


Official Website of KCAG